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Everything you need to know about interior doors

There are few apartments where there are no interior doors. Thanks to them, the boundaries of the rooms are observed, privacy is ensured. The closed door creates a comfortable atmosphere for work and leisure.

Interior doors what you need to know: variety

The door leaf has protective functions. The door prevents noise and light, cold air-conditioned air, and foreign odors from entering the room. It is thanks to the closed door in the room that you can create a comfortable environment. And if you choose a suitable design of the structure, then you can also decorate the interior with it.

To order, you can make a door of any type. The models differ

  • according to the mechanism: sliding, swing, pendulum, sliding
  • by size: single-leaf and double-leaf
  • according to the materials of manufacture
  • structure shape: rectangular, arched

The choice of a particular model is determined by the characteristics of the room.

The most common are interior doors of the swing type, despite the fact. Whatever occupies a sufficiently large usable area. The use of a sliding structure allows you to significantly increase the space in the room.

A pendulum door is a structure that rotates in both directions. It is also very convenient in small rooms. According to the material of manufacture, the most popular are doors made of wood, plastic, glass and a combination of these materials.

The classification according to the features of the external design is quite conditional. Paneled structures create good insulation. Doors made of glass or with glass inserts give the room a feeling of lightness and airiness.

Rectangular doors are the most common in shape. They are characterized by easier installation and a classic appearance. Arched structures look original, but they are more difficult to install. In addition, they are not suitable for every room.

двери межкомнатные что нужно знать

There are also single-floor and double-floor doors, as well as one-and-a-half doors.

Double-floor models consisting of two canvases are optimally suited for spacious rooms. For small rooms: a bathroom, a bathroom, a small kitchen, a single-floor version is suitable. The one-and-a-half model looks original.

Industrial premises have special safety requirements, so there are often installed fire boxes and corresponding door panels with increased technical parameters. 

Pub date: 2021.06.01